Altrad har på verdensplan over 55.000 medarbejder og ca. 750 er ansat i Danmark.
Hos Altrad Services A/S i Danmark arbejder man bl. a. i tæt samarbejde med TOTAL Energies, hvor der leveres bemanding og materiel til en række vedligeholdsprojekter samt den overordnede vedligeholdelseskontrakt for TOTAL’s aktiviteter i Nordsøen.
Find Altrad Services A/S på standplads 24
Som førende indenfor sit felt besidder Altrad Services stor faglig viden og kunnen, som matcher tidens forventninger indenfor kvalitet, effektivitet, produktivitet, samt den voksende miljøbevidsthed der hersker i samfundet.
Altrad Services A/S is a subsidiary of the French Altrad, which provides a number of industrial services and solutions to, among others, various infrastructure, oil & gas, shipping industry, and more.
Altrad has more than 55,000 employees worldwide and approx. 750 are employed in Denmark. At Altrad Services A/S in Denmark work is done in close cooperation with i.a. TOTAL Engergies, where manpower and material are delivered to a number of maintenance projects and the major maintenance contract for TOTAL’s activities in the North Sea.
As a leader in its field, Altrad Services possesses great professional knowledge and skills, which match the current expectations in quality, efficiency, productivity, and the growing environmental awareness that prevails in society.